NEW YEAR'S GREETING 2024: Moai Means Meeting and Working for Our Common Goals

NEW YEAR'S GREETING 2024: Moai Means Meeting and Working for Our Common Goals

Could you sum up your life's purpose in one sentence? Could you describe the mission of your company in one or two lines? If the answer is yes, then according to science, you have a good chance of living seven whole years longer than the average: 11-year-long research suggests that those who know why they get up in the morning live a longer and better life.

HBLF Diversity Awards and Charter Signing Ceremony: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion in Hungary

HBLF Diversity Awards and Charter Signing Ceremony: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion in Hungary

The Hungarian Business Leaders Forum (HBLF) held its annual Diversity Awards and Charter Signing Ceremony on 29 November in Budapest, bringing together prominent players of the local business sphere.


HBLF at the EU Platform of Diversity Charters 2023 Event

HBLF at the EU Platform of Diversity Charters 2023 Event

HBLF also participated in the EU Platform of Diversity Charters event held in Milan. The Hungarian Business Leaders Forum was represented by Zsuzsa Gardus and Enikő Csík. Our representatives returned home inspired and full of ideas: there are exciting new projects and collaborations with other countries on the horizon!

HBLF Forges International Connections in Rome

HBLF Forges International Connections in Rome

The HBLF Women’s Forum participated in a professional program in Rome.