2021.04.27. - HBLF V4 ESG Conference


HBLF / V4ESG Conference 

Reserve your place now with Early Bird Ticket and join us on April 27!

“It is of crucial importance that we do not only exchange our experiences with each other within our country, but that we also learn from our neighbours, who are in a similar situation, yet, not in the same boat as we are. Sustainable development is in the interest of all countries and economic actors, which is why we urge to look at the topic from the most possible aspects. It is a great honour for us that the economic actors of the V4 countries are open to participate in a joint conference, which we hope to be a valuable experience for all parties involved “ - Ákos Janza, Member of the HBLF Board of Directors

 In April, 2021 Hungarian Business Leaders Forum (HBLF) invites SRI (social responsible investment) and ESG (environmental, social and governance) leaders of the V4 countries, as well as market players who are in connection with the investment community to participate in a full day conference. The objective of the event is to understand today’s guidelines and challenges, and how these new investment formats move global markets.

The virtual conference is going to be opened by Zsolt Jamniczky, Chairman of HBLF and Member of the Board of Directors at E.ON Hungária Zrt., followed by Remy Briand, Managing Director and Member of the Executive Committee at MSCI ESGSpeakers and roundtable participants include prominent experts with a long history, such as: 

  • Jason Channell, Managing Director, Head of Sustainable Finance, Citi Global Insights 

  • David Radermacher, Vice President Sustainability & Climate, at E.ON SE 

  • Mirjam Staub-Bisang, Managing Director, Head of BlackRock Switzerland 

  • Alastair Teare, Risk Advisory Business Leader at Deloitte Central Europe 

  • Oliver Marchand, Global Head of ESG Research & Models at the Climate Risk Center, MSCI Inc. 

  • Clark Anderson, Managing Director, Firm Risk Head of Country Risk and Climate Risk Management, Morgan Stanley New York 

  • Laura Segafredo, PhD, Global Head of Sustainable Research, BlackRock ETF and Index Investments 

  • Kevin A. Murray, Managing Director for Citi’s Central Europe Cluster 

Early Bird tickets are available until 13 April. It includes all access to the V4 ESG online conference presentations and breakout room panels.
More information: www://v4esgconference.com