Dear HBLF Member,
We kindly invite you to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum (seat: 1067 Budapest, Podmaniczky u. 31. 3/18., Registration number: 01-02-0004679).
The date of the AGM is May 20, 2021 (Thursday) at 13:00 (CET) Venue of the general meeting: Microsoft Teams online interface Method of the AGM: Pursuant to Article 8.16 of the Charter Form, using an electronic communication device or application, via a Microsoft Teams application - online The language of the event is Hungarian.
The decisions of the AGM are made by open voting, by a simple majority of votes. In the event of a quorum, the Board shall convene a repeated general meeting on 20 May 2021, starting at 1.30 pm, with unchanged agenda items. Due to the lack of a quorum, the repeated general meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of those present.
Program: 13:00 – 13:20 Official opening
Agenda: 1. Election of the chairman, secretaries and verifiers of the AGM 2. Approval f the AGM’s Program 3. Discuss and approve the Board’s annual report for 2020 by Zsuzsa Fieszl, executive director 4. Discuss and approve the HBLF 2020 audited financial statements by Elek Votin, Treasurer 5. Approval of the annual budget plan (2021) by Elek Votin, Treasurer 6. Approval of the changes of the HBLF Charter Form by Zsuzsa Fieszl, executive director 7. Election of the new President, Treasurer and other members of the Board by the Selection Committee 8. Other
Proposals for items on the Program for adoption are an integral part of this invitation. Please send the proposal for additions, amendments and remarks to the Program to the HBLF secretariat (titkarsag@hblf.hu) by 10 May 2021. Only those who have paid their membership fee for 2021 by the date of the AGM at the latest have the right to vote. In case of impediment, it is possible to exercise your membership rights through a representative. An original copy of the power of attorney contained in a private or public deed to this effect shall be handed over or sent by post at the time of signing the attendance form at the latest by the date of the AGM.
In case of impediment, please use the possibility of advance voting(1) or authorization. You will find the necessary documents in the attachment, and in the shared folders.
Budapest, 5 May 2021.
We look forward to seeing you! Regards,
Borbála Czakó HBLF President
[1] 502/2020. (XI. 16.) Korm. rendelet a veszélyhelyzet során a személy- és vagyonegyesítő szervezetek működésére vonatkozó eltérő rendelkezések újbóli bevezetéséről alapján.